Golden Gate Petroleum - Yerington
Client - Golden Gate Petroleum
Project Type - Fueling Station/Convenience Store
Location - Yerington, NV
Designer/Architect - Lepori Design-Build, Tectonics Design Group, Apex Engineering, Mountain View Eng. & Jimco
Square Footage - 4,087
The Lepori team constructed a new 4,087sf convenience store on a five-acre site which included passenger vehicle fuel dispensers, diesel truck fuel dispensers and above-grade fuel storage tanks.
At the owner's request, our team was on an aggressive schedule to ensure all materials and work were in and completed by the end of the year. Working in Yerington and through the supply-chain limitations faced after COVID, this meant our team had to work long hours to ensure this goal was met.
Our team is currently developing more projects with Golden Gate Petroleum and are happy to continue working with a great client.